Imagine waking up tomorrow with boundless energy
Imagine a positive attitude and love for life being your default
emotional state
When I've worked with Fibromyalgia (FM) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) sufferers during our live workshops, they've been very emotionally heavy sessions. So when preparing to work with Mary, I was geared up for the same energy.
But the session turned out to be filled with laughter and insights! We quickly discovered "secondary gain," the surprising hidden benefits she gets from having this disease. Turns out it's giving her boundaries and keeping her safe, so we tap on that. We identify new ways of keeping her safe that don't involve being sick.
We then talk about a future in which she no longer has fibromyalgia; She wants to create a vision board of that positive future. So we create the first 3 visions right there during the session! And as a side-effect, her physical tension melts away.
What People Say
FibroClear is a simple yet powerful online self-help program. It uses EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), a drug-free behavioral method with clinically proven medical benefits. Here’s what people who’ve used EFT for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue have to say:
What Doctors Say
FibroClear is based on leading edge science. In a randomized controlled trial, the Gold Standard of medical research, a group of fibromyalgia patients received an online EFT Tapping program in addition to their regular care. They were compared to a control group who received only regular care. The control group did not get better. But the EFT group showed significant reductions in pain, anxiety, and depression. Another study, this time of the stress hormone cortisol, found that cortisol levels dropped dramatically, and that EFT reduced anxiety and depression more than twice as much as talk therapy. And a study of veterans also found big reductions of pain after EFT sessions.
Here's what doctors have to say about using EFT for fibromyalgia:
"I struggled with chronic fatigue for six years and was unable to work for over four of those years. At the age of twenty-seven, I was having days of unrelenting dizziness, I felt as though I had a flu that wasn't getting better, I couldn't concentrate (even just making a cup of tea seemed a challenge at times), and I didn't have the energy to do anything more than sit around waiting for it to pass. I felt as though a plug had been pulled and all of my energy with it. It didn't feel like normal tiredness and I was frightened. All my doctor had to say was that I couldn't expect to have the energy I had as a seventeen-year-old. I desperately needed answers or at least my doctor's support and this is what she offered me. I remember thinking…actually I can't repeat exactly what I thought as it involved a number of strong phrases! But I do remember thinking, "I might believe you if I was eighty-seven, not twenty-seven!"
"This was one of numerous events that triggered a strong anxiety, which I experienced for the majority of my illness. I was anxious about the confusing symptoms, the inability of my doctors to diagnosis what was wrong, my inability to convince some of the medical doctors I consulted that I was ill at all. I felt helpless and panicked about the unrelenting fatigue and the fact that for a number of years whatever I did just seemed to make it worse.
"I started using EFT on my fears regarding my symptoms. This helped reduce my anxiety level. As I worked through the emotional component of the issue, my symptoms began to subside. I worked on my future fears, related to "doing too much" or overdoing it. I did this by tapping on the emotional charge I felt around past times when I had engaged in a physical activity and felt worse afterward. I then moved onto what I feared would happen in the future and what impact it would have, again always tracing it back to the earliest event of when I had experienced each specific fear. This again helped with the anxiety I felt around trying something again in the future. Slowly, I found I was able to do more.
"I haven't cleared all of the issues that culminated in CFS, but I worked through and collapsed them enough to be able to restore myself to full health. I am now fully recovered and have been for about seven years. EFT is the technique that ensured I fully overcame the condition."
EFT is astonishing both in its simplicity and its effectiveness in dislodging and removing emotional hurts and painful memories. I have found it powerful in healing present-time self-rejection, and in removing the hurt of events long past.
- Sally Mae Johnstone
One of the hardest things about healing fibromyalgia is that it really is hard work. I found EFT could get rid of the anger. I can't explain it. It just makes you feel better.
- Portia Mangusto
This Is Why The FibroClear Program Is So Successful:
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) produces terrible suffering, and are among the most-misunderstood conditions in the whole of medicine. Symptoms like debilitating fatigue and chronic pain are just two of the many symptoms that affect sufferers. If you have one of these diagnoses, you'll know just how severely they affect your quality of life. Most medical authorities say there is no cure, and the best that doctors can usually do is prescribe drugs that address some of the symptoms but produce unwanted side effects.
Yet there is hope and at FibroClear, we're committed to bringing you scientific solutions that are proven to work. FibroClear is a 12 week online program based on clinical trials showing success with the most common symptoms. While you're probably focused on the physical symptoms like soreness and exhaustion, research shows that these problems are strongly linked to your emotions. Fibromyalgia and CFS patients often report feeling hopeless and helpless, and have much higher rates of psychological problems like anxiety and depression. When you're able to lift the burden of emotional stress, your physical problems often get better. That's why FibroClear is based on Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as EFT tapping.
Dawson Church,
Author of EFT for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
1. National Fibromyalgia Association (2013). Economic burden. Accessed Aug 27 at
2. Brattberg, G. (2008). Self-administered EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) in individuals with fibromyalgia: A randomized trial. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal, 7(4), 30–35.
3. Church, D. (2013b). Pain, depression, and anxiety after PTSD symptom remediation in veterans. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing (in press).
4. Church, D., & Brooks, A. J. (2010). The effect of a brief EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) self-intervention on anxiety, depression, pain and cravings in healthcare workers. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal, 9(4), 40–44.